Aguinaldo Cave - Bulacan Attractions

Aguinaldo Cave

Aguinaldo Cave is located in San Miguel, Bulacan, Philippines.


Biak-na-Bato - At the lower mouth of the cave, one can sit on the rocks and cool off with naturally chilled air from an underground cold spring. The cave is entered via a higher orifice, and one must clamber down to get to the water's edge. A ten-minute boat ride into this eerie underground river leads to a stalactite-accented cavern where, at its center, a smooth triangular block of marble juts above the surface of the clear emerald water. Local lore claims it to be la mesa de Aguinaldo, the table on which Aguinaldo signed the historic peace treaty.




Events Related to Aguinaldo Cave

Obando Fertility Rites

Attractions Related to Aguinaldo Cave

Bahay Paniqui (House of Bats)
Biak-na-Bato National Park
Cuarto-Cuarto Cave
Madlum Caves
Madlum River
Sibul Spring
Tecson House
Tilandong Falls