Local Philippines Events
March (3 days before Ash Wednseday) |Catanauan, Quezon, Philippines.  Boling-Boling Festival is an old age practice particular to Catanauanins, which is celebrated annually starting Sunday and ends on Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday and signals the start of the Lenten Season.  Participants roam around the town garbed in any costume they may fancy. Most of them wear colorful clown-like clothes called "Karnabals", originating from the prominent figure probably coming from the clowns of carnival while others imitate anybody whom they despise and make fun of them. Senior women wearing brightly colored dresses and hats with flowers called "Denoñas", or like one house to another with accompaniment of a guitarist and some tambourines to solicit cash donations, half of which is given to the local Parish Church for its expenses during the Lenten Season activities and the other half for their own groups civic projects. Some men skimpily clad only in their undergarments put on mud or grease with charcoal all over their bodies and roam around the town trying to scare young women and children for fun.  This is a symbolic ritual of cleansing oneself making them prepared to commemorate the Lenten Season and also a way of expressing their creativity.No one can tell exactly when and how this practice started, not even the oldest resident of this idyllic town located at the heart of Bondoc Peninsula. Boling-Boling comes from the visayan word "Boling" which means dirt.  This reminds people of the mortality of man. In earlier times, Catanauanins had a grandiose merry-making during the Boling-Boling as starting the following day, which is Ash Wednesday, they will keep silent suspending all merry-makings until the Black Saturday in reverence to the Lenten Season.  Source:Tourism.qzn.ph  

Good Friday – March | Barotac Viejo, Iloilo  A yearly depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Source:Corporate.mozcom.com

March or April, movable date | Baguio City, Philippines. Kicks off the Philippine Summer Vacation (SUMVAC - April to May) festivities with a large influx of visitors arriving to escape oppressive lowland temperatures to enjoy Baguio's cool climate. Civic and business groups line up a host of activities for the enjoyment of visitors of all ages. Source:Gobaguio.com

Holy week | San Fernando, La Union, Philippines.  A yearly Holy week celebration spearheaded by the Provincial Government f featuring water sports, band concerts, fluvial parade and reenactment of the resurrection rite at the Bauang Beach after the Easter Sunday mass. Source:Philtravelcenter.com

March 9| Passi City  Pintados de Passi is a festival in honor of the Pintados that once inhabited the small city. The festival is made visually appealing by the Pintados, or painted street dancers. The bodies of the dancers are patterned from the Pintados, which are tattoed with traditional symbols and designs that not only beautify but also tell the tribe's history. The festival is made merry by the pintados' theatrical dancing. Read more about Pintados Festival.  

Every last week of March | Sipalay City, Negros Occidental Sipalay City has been the copper belt of southern Philippines for more than five decades. The first industrial mining of copper transformed Sipalay into a booming town and eventually into a city. Pasaway sa Sipalay is celebrated every last week of March marking the Charter Anniversary of the city. It features street dancing and merry making by performers from seventeen barangays of the city. Representatives from the different barangays wear mardigras and exotic costumes in the semblance of copper minerals. Source:City of Sipalay official WebsiteNegros Occidental Website

Lenten Season l San Antonio, Siquijor Philippines The Folk Healing Festival takes place every lenten season in Siquijor, where herbalists from both Visayas and Mindanao convene at San Antonio to prepare a medical potion. A mixture of herbs, tree barks and other "secret" ingredients are thrown into a cauldron, while the participants gather into a circle chanting incantations. This preparation takes place on Black Saturday.  Source: FlyPhilippines.com.ph

no specific date l Tapaz, Capiz Philippines The Mundo Dance is an ancient Indonesian fertility rite that consists of carefully choreographed dance moves. This was brought into the region by the pre-Malaysian Indonesian immigrants, and is still being practiced by the mountrain tribe of Mundo.  Source: FlyPhilippines.com.ph

March 1-8 | Nabunturan, Compostela Valley  The Anibina Bulawanon Festival celebrates the bountiful gold harvest and the founding anniversary of Compostela Province. Compostela Valley is known for its rich gold deposits. The festival is held during the first week of March in the municipality of Nabunturan. The term "Anibina" is coined from two terms - "ani" meaning harvest; and "bina" meaning gold veins. "Bulawanon" translates to "golden". Source: Wikipedia hoparound.net

March 1- 31 | Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Participants vary from singers, pianists & violinists, bandleaders and music teachers whose common goal is to keep classical music and "kundimans” alive. On this event, artists, and music lovers gather at the Pasig City Museum to listen and appreciate the music of classical artists as performed by their fellow Pasigueños. In all, the Summer Music Festival aims to revive the great musical tradition of Pasig. Source:TravelMart.net