Nestled in the town of San Miguel, in the island province of Catanduanes, is a beautiful, cascading falls called Solong. Part of a waterfall system that is a popular picnic destination among locals, its beauty lies in its "canopy effect" and clean waters. Large rocks eclipse the main waterfall, providing a 'jumping board' into the catchbasin, also making the falls secluded. The waters are cold and refreshing, and the pools are deep. Trekkers could also explore upstream and downstream to find other, more secluded waterfalls. This "exploratory" nature of the site calls to mind Daranak and Batlag Falls in Tanay, Rizal.
Baker's Hill is a famous hang out place in Palawan, known for their freshly baked goodies like hopia, munchies and crinkles. It is located on top of a...
Mitra Ranch, in Sta Monica Heights, is owned by the late Philippine Senator Ramon Mitra. Today it is the residence of Baham Mitra, son and heir of the...