Flagellants and Lenten Rites - Bulacan Events

Flagellants and Lenten Rites

(Held during Good Friday) | Paombong, Bulacan, Philippines
A way of repentance and sharing in the sufferings of Christ, worshippers whip themselves or have themselves crucified at Kapitangan, Paombong during the Holy Week.
Also, religious rituals are celebrated in all the towns especially in MalolosPlaridel and Pulilan. Families with old life-size "Santos" or statues of saints bring them out during this time to be part of the colorful processions on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, a little wooden angel (or a live little girl) supposedly descends from Galilee to take off the virgin's mourning veil.

Events Related to Flagellants and Lenten Rites

Obando Fertility Rites

Attractions Related to Flagellants and Lenten Rites

Madlum River