Kalinga - Kalinga Destinations


Kalinga is a landlocked province of the Philippines. The capital of Kalinga is Tabuk City.


The map of the Philippines shows that Kalinga’s geography is charcterized by sharp peaks and steep slopes, isolated flat lands, plateaus, and valleys on the western side. On the eastern side, the province has rolling, gradually sloping foothills.


It is with this geography that the development of the province is patterned after. Development efforts include tourism programs, vacation packages and vacation rentals that promote the province.


With its elevation of 300 to 5,000 feet above sea level and a north-south span of  mountain ranges within the Cordillera Central, Kalinga is dubbed as the “Prince of the Highlands.”


Best time to visit Kalinga

It is highly recommeded that tourists go in November to April. This is a good time to enjoy whitewater rafting and other adventure sports. 


How to get there

Land travel - 


Air travel -