Mahayhay Cave - Compostela Valley Attractions

Mahayhay Cave

Mahayhay cave is a two-kilometer tunnel with unique formations of stalactites and stalagmites. It is also a lair to fruit bats locally known as kabyaw. All in all the cave is a good venue for eco-tourism.




Mahayhay Cave is located in Mawab, Compostela Valley. Compostela Valley is at the north of Davao City. Travelling from Davao City may take around 2 to 3 hours. Ask locals about the cave as the site is remote to most town centers.


DENR Region XI 

Events Related to Mahayhay Cave

Anibina Bulawanon Festival
Buganihan Festival
Kaimunan Festival
Kariyawan Festival

Attractions Related to Mahayhay Cave

Kiokmay Cave